M.Sc. Barbara Schwarzwald

BüroUniversität Bonn
Institut für Informatik V
Raum 2.065
Endenicher Allee 19a
D-53115 Bonn
Telefon+49 (228) 73 - 4323
Fax +49 (228) 73 - 4321
Postadresse Barbara Schwarzwald
Institut für Informatik V
Endenicher Allee 19c
D-53115 Bonn
E-Mail schwarzwald@uni-bonn.de
SprechzeitenNach Vereinbarung

Research areas

  • Computational Geometry
  • Fire Fighting

Further Responsibilities

  • Erasmus+ contact person for incoming and outgoing students in the department of Computer Science
  • Vorkurs Formale Methoden: Skript


See also Google Scholar

  • Rolf Klein, David Kübel, Elmar Langetepe, Barbara Schwarzwald
    A New Model in Firefighting Theory
    6th Annual International Conference on Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics CALDAM , 2020.
  • Rolf Klein, Elmar Langetepe, Christos Levcopoulos, Andrzej Lingas, Barbara Schwarzwald
    On a fire fighter's problem
    Int. J. Foundations of Computer Science, 2019.
  • Herman Haverkort, David Kübel, Elmar Langetepe, Barbara Schwarzwald
    How to play hot and cold on a line
    Computational Geometry – Theory and Applications, accepted for publication , 2018.
  • Rolf Klein, David Kübel, Elmar Langetepe, Barbara Schwarzwald
    Protecting a highway from fire
    34th European Workshop on Computational Geometry, EuroCG, 2018.

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